What is Logic in a circuit?
● Adds decision making to a circuit
● Simple to complex computation
● Below the surface they are a clever combination of transistors and op amps
Different ICs serve unique functions
● We have already encountered NOT gates (Inverter for our oscillator)
● There are many other ICs with different sets of logic functions and combinations of
Ins and Outs
● For the most part logic will output a high or low (usually Vcc or GND) depending on it’s inputs
● Something called a “Truth Table” shows how logic gates react to different high or low inputs
Transistor Logic
● Remembering from our transistor talks
● The base of the transistor acts like a
● For these transistors signal only
passes through when the base sees a
● So the only way Out gets anything is
when both transistors have voltage at their bases
Logic Combinations
● Beginning stages of memory
● Flip Flops
● Combine basic logic to do more
complicated tasks
● This is how we can use hardware to
make decisions
A chip that is a counter
● We’ll be basing our sequencer on a 4017 decade counter
● Takes a clock input and counts up to ten
● Reset (MR) will repeat the count over and over again